Uly's tutor and Devon's friend (former tutor)
Other Results: 1 Series
Updated: 26/02/2008
Summary: How Braden became Yale. Story of his childhood and
Which led him to be decomission to Yale program. More info...
Updated: 04/02/2008
Summary: 4) Eden Advance continues, reaching an open meadow, and a new problem as everyone -- with the exception of Morgan -- begans to fall ill More info...
Updated: 07/06/2008
Summary: No summary available yet More info...
Updated: 25/05/2008
Summary: A continuing soap opera set in the Earth 2 universe. More info...
Updated: 06/09/2008
Summary: After chasing grendlers, Danziger, Alonzo and Morgan find themselves separated from the main group. More info...
Updated: 26/05/2008
Summary: A continuation of 'The True Course of Love'. Soon after Danziger and Tara's adventure, problems start to grow. The atmospehere is very bad, and poor weather conditions cause Eden Advance to remain in the same (main) room. Alonzo decides to take Julia from them to same Terrian caves so she can give birth in more normal place. After arriving there they talk and get to know each other even better. They also dream with Valentine on the dreamplane. After some time they dream to the past, before the Ranoake ship crash landed on G889, an experinece neither of them would like to go through again. After Uly reports disturbances in the main camp, Devon and Danziger go to investigate. Soon after, one Terrian tells them that Julia has begun to give birth. Alonzo is on the dreamplane in the cave during Julia's labor, and Devon and Danziger also help. Soon after the birth they get a message that Yale died and Tara couldn't fight his virus... More info...
Updated: 11/05/2008
Summary: The group travel several clicks away from Bennet's ship, leaving Devon in cold sleep. The Terrians contact Eden Advance to try and understand why they have come to the planet, and why Devon means so much to them. While attempting to dream with Danziger, the Terrians begin to learn about humans. They try to live peacefully with them, but then the earth starts to shake. The Venus Class Starship starts to drift and Mary is taken back by the Terrians. Meanwhile, the planet tries to heal Devon. Now all Eden Advance can do is wait. More info...
Updated: 15/01/2008
Summary: As Eden Advance approaches a barren plateau, nightmares plague Alonzo. After visiting with the terrians, Alonzo is found unconcious. With resources at a minimum, Eden Advance must to find its way off the plateau to water and safety. More info...
Updated: 29/06/2008
Summary: Some Eden Advance members come down with the Flu, forcing the group to halt their travels. Soon eleven Edenites have been taken ill, with Julia among them, leaving Alonzo, Yale
and Baines the only uneffected members to care for them. More info...
Updated: 25/05/2008
Summary: No summary available yet More info...
Updated: 07/06/2008
Summary: Eden Advance reach New Pacifica and are relieved to also find Cargo pod #1. Devon and Danziger encounter some problems as their growing relationship alienates True. Meanwhile, the group is terrorised by a stranger lurking nearby, and Uly and Yale are endangered when the menacing stranger finally makes his move. More info...
Updated: 06/10/2017
Summary: Post 'All About Eve'. Eden Advance looks for answers after Devon's sudden illness and placement in cold sleep, while Julia is plagued by fears about the true nature of EVE, Reilly, and the Council on G889. More info...
Updated: 28/06/2008
Summary: As the group journeys closer to New Pacifica, Yale reflects on his past with Devon and Uly as he discovers a promising future with another member of Eden Advance, Elisha Denner. More info...
Updated: 04/02/2008
Summary: 3) Eden Advance continues on their way to New Pacifica. They meet a new challenge as they find themselves up against a dense forest and need to find a way through. Alonzo is restless More info...
Updated: 18/05/2008
Summary: Eden Advance is just a little way from NP, but suddenly there is a river in their way. Scout teams try to find a way around by going north, but they encounter a woodsman called van Helsing living there. He advises them to go on south where they can travel along the other side. Van Helsing is a mystery to the group. He is protected by the Terrians because his blood is filled with DvHMC, a substance that changes the way of living: a person is healthy, lives longer, all paines are non-existent and all wounds heal very fast. Somewhere along the way south, True almost falls and though van Helsing is not present, he manages to help her. When True comes back she is a little hurt and says that van Helsing tried to throw her off a cliff. Danziger goes to 'speak' with him, breaking van Helsing's arm in the process. During the next few days his arm miraculously heals prefectly. Some days later, Alonzo is badly injured and Julia loses all hope to heal him. Then Terrians bring van Helsing, who donates his blood to heal Alonzo. When they see the extent of healing they try to make a DvHMC detector with which they will find source of this medicine. Julia talks with van Helsing and he reveals that he is the only source of DvHMC. Alonzo meets with him on the Dreamplane to gain further explanations. After learning that the Terrians are prepared to destroy both the DvHMC source and anyone seeking it, they stop searching for it. More info...
Updated: 26/05/2008
Summary: A continuation of 'Escaping the Pyre'. Danziger goes on a scouting trip with Tara and the two become romantically involved. She gets a cat for True and wedding clothes for Julia. But their love is not just for one day... Danziger finds he has fallen in love with this latest addition to Eden Advance. More info...
Updated: 27/02/2008
Summary: Yale comes first day to school for Yale's. They are being tested for knowledge and everybody knows everything, except he can't remember his name and who he is. More info...
Updated: 29/06/2008
Summary: A sequel to 'Perchance to Dream'. Walman is especially uneasy about Alonzo and his dreams. When Alonzo and Walman are out scouting, Walman injures his leg and Alonzo must care for him while they are away from camp. Soon Alonzo starts dreaming about a New Pacifica where ZEDs come and kill them all. Walman gets better but Alonzo's dreaming worsens. When the group come for them, Alonzo tells them his dreams are very worrying. When they build an antenna, Reilly comes. Now Eden Advance know just what they must deal with.... More info...
Updated: 24/01/2008
Summary: 1) My take on how they thawed Devon More info...
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