Titles - C
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Updated: 26/05/2008
Summary: A continuation of 'The True Course of Love'. Soon after Danziger and Tara's adventure, problems start to grow. The atmospehere is very bad, and poor weather conditions cause Eden Advance to remain in the same (main) room. Alonzo decides to take Julia from them to same Terrian caves so she can give birth in more normal place. After arriving there they talk and get to know each other even better. They also dream with Valentine on the dreamplane. After some time they dream to the past, before the Ranoake ship crash landed on G889, an experinece neither of them would like to go through again. After Uly reports disturbances in the main camp, Devon and Danziger go to investigate. Soon after, one Terrian tells them that Julia has begun to give birth. Alonzo is on the dreamplane in the cave during Julia's labor, and Devon and Danziger also help. Soon after the birth they get a message that Yale died and Tara couldn't fight his virus... More info...
Updated: 08/01/2008
Summary: Group is still shattered by Julia's treason, they can not
find way to each other. After almost a fight Cameron brings his bagpipes and brings better atmosphere to group and Devon who almost gave on group sees again the future for the group. More info...
Updated: 27/09/2008
Summary: D & D stuff. Devon decides to seize the day. More info...
Updated: 15/01/2008
Summary: Group got back and Julia injected biostat chip in Devon and soon after that she stabilized and got well. More info...
Updated: 20/10/2008
Summary: Colony ship arrives, with children and fight for their live begin.
Parents are not very happy about Terrians, but children decide... and become part of mother Earth. Danzinger and Devon come together and Alonzo promises Julia his eternaly love and sends letter to Julia's mother. Baines and someone else lives G889. More info...
Updated: 19/08/2014
Summary: This was more than a journey across an unknown planet to reach New Pacifica. This was the journey of survival, and the truest test of all. Learning how to fall. More info...
Updated: 28/12/2007
Summary: It took Alonzo and Julia 47 years to return after they were forced off the planet. What will they find? Who lives? Who died? Can they still make a home on G889? (Second story in the "Sleeper" trilogy) More info...
Updated: 09/01/2008
Summary: No summary yet. More info...
Updated: 23/02/2009
Summary: It's just 2-3 weeks before arriving of Roanoke. At New Pacifica they receive hailing from some unknown sender. Julia and Alonzo went to find out who it is, but when arriving Alonzo was almost killed and Julia captured by
Council. Terrians help Alonzo, until Yale and John come to take him home. In the meantime Roanoke arrives, and on-board Julia's brother Josh. He and Alonzo go to satelite to save Julia. Children are taken by Terrians and
cured. When Alonzo arives at satelite Julia is druged by Mitchel and her body system failure is immenate. Two of Council people help them to escape and take almost all Council personal back to stations. When they come back
Julia is still in coma and Alonzo very injured, he recovers but Julia doesn't. More info...
Updated: 08/09/2013



The Eden Project struggles with a new crisis following rediscovery of an old ally.


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Updated: 11/05/2008
Summary: The group travel several clicks away from Bennet's ship, leaving Devon in cold sleep. The Terrians contact Eden Advance to try and understand why they have come to the planet, and why Devon means so much to them. While attempting to dream with Danziger, the Terrians begin to learn about humans. They try to live peacefully with them, but then the earth starts to shake. The Venus Class Starship starts to drift and Mary is taken back by the Terrians. Meanwhile, the planet tries to heal Devon. Now all Eden Advance can do is wait. More info...
Updated: 09/01/2008
Summary: Mad Terrian is now in Alonzo and won't come out. Julia is trying to take him out in dreamplane, and so she helps Alonzo that he can remember her and love they have. Filled with this he fights demon and wins. More info...
Updated: 15/01/2008
Summary: No summary yet. More info...
Updated: 22/10/2008
Summary: It's the one year anniversary of the Roanoke crash, and the Edenites are planning a celebration, against Danziger's wishes. Bah Humbug ensues. More info...
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