Titles - F
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Updated: 18/05/2008
Summary: Julia and Alonzo are on scouting trip and find some lodge with pictures of Devon. Soon a woman shows up and has them targeted. Believing Julia and Alonzo are Council operatives, she holds them at gunpoint. When she learns that they know Devon Adair, she reveals that she is Cynthia Adair, Devon's mother. Still not trusting Julia and Alonzo, Cynthia holds them both at gunpoint. They urge her to return with them to camp so see for herself that they are not Council, but rather members of Devon's group. Upon their return, Devon catches sight of the mother who she'd believed for so long to be dead. Feeling overwhelmed, Devon flees camp in the Dunerail. Meanwhile, having witnessed a kiss between Devon and John, True becomes convinced that her father no longer loves her and also runs off. Out on her own, True is overcome by illness and haunted by nightmares about a future where her father and Devon no longer want her. As Devon tries to find her own way back to camp, Terrians emerge and lead her to True. Devon cares for True, who's suffering from a fever. Devon reassures her that she could never replace True in John's life. Devon waits for True to recover before returning to camp. Meanwhile Eden Advance are out searching for the pair. When Devon returns to camp, Cynthia leaves the group, believing it is what Devon wants. Devon and Julia follow her and ask her to join them on their trek to New Pacifica. More info...
Updated: 08/01/2008
Summary: Danziger and Adair have little understandingt problem, so they start to fight and Adair slaps Danziger and when she tries to hit her a little but then Koba comes to visit and all happening stops. After this accident they have a real talk and Adair starts to cooperate. More info...
Updated: 15/01/2008
Summary: John dreams about NP, his and Devon's kids, Julia's twins, then Sheppard and after him Elder appears. Julia has find a cure for Devon's illness and John gives order to go back. More info...
Updated: 01/03/2008
Summary: 10) New people are arriving and everything changes for Eden Advance More info...
Updated: 31/01/2008
Summary: This story does not revolve around any member of Eden Project, but rather a family member of the Heller family (not a sibling). More info...
Updated: 28/12/2007
Summary: Alonzo’s ‘ride called life’ may not be as he expected it to be. [Prequel to "Final Ride"] More info...
Updated: 27/09/2008
Summary: Alonzo thinks of leaving when ship comes he talkes about that with Julia, but she is very hurt with that and leves him alone. Alonzo finds one of that glow stones and Terrians give him another chance with EP. He is back on
station, not beeing part of EP. He meets some people he knows from G889 but they don't know him, at least not good. He meets Julia again, but she doesn't want to talk with him. But when he gots hurt he sees her again. Few days after they get on first date and their relationship grows. Soon she must leave with EP. Alonzo is broken and at this point he is back on G889. He then talks to Julia and promises her that he will never live her. More info...
Updated: 05/05/2008
Summary: No summary available yet. More info...
Updated: 28/12/2007
Summary: The Terrians are in danger and only Julia can save them. A ghost from the past visits in her dreams to convince her to help. [Sequel to "Fast Ride"] More info...
Updated: 28/06/2008
Summary: Venus and Mars are wreaking havoc with Eden Advance. The men are on the outer and male/female relationships are under noticeable strain. Yale suggests movements in the planet's moons as the cause of the sudden conflicts between the men and women of Eden Advance. Strangely, the only pair who seem to be getting along are Devon and Danziger. More info...
Updated: 09/01/2008
Summary: This stories goes a little different way. Julia is left by EA and she goes her own way, but she and Alonzo are both lonely and wondering what could have happened. But some they they contact each other with help of Terrians and dreamplane and they swear there will be another time (and maybe place) for them to live together. More info...
Updated: 25/01/2008
Summary: John and Devon have a drink, a game, and some semifriendly conversation. Topics of discussion: pool, beer, and childcare. Pointless politically incorrect fun set during winter camp. More info...
Updated: 28/12/2007
Summary: After being attacked by a Grendler, Baines comes down with a mysterious disease. It’s up to Julia to find a cure and it’s right there underneath her nose. But will she find it in time to save Baines’ life? More info...
Updated: 29/06/2008
Summary: Some Eden Advance members come down with the Flu, forcing the group to halt their travels. Soon eleven Edenites have been taken ill, with Julia among them, leaving Alonzo, Yale
and Baines the only uneffected members to care for them. More info...
Updated: 02/01/2008
Summary: Devon and Danziger do what they do best... get on each other's nerves. More info...
Updated: 02/02/2021
Summary: And here comes time of Devon's and John's wedding. John is little nervous and Alonzo is trying to get him on his nerves, but he isn't very successful. When Uly joins them he said some things so John started to think, but at end everything went well. More info...
Updated: 10/01/2008
Summary: True has been feeding lone Grendler and she almost got shoot by Morgan. Danzinger is pissed off and almost kills Morgan. Some of them get sick because of some stones Alonzo harvested, and True tries to find Grendler and give him the necklace. But she also gets sick from stones so Morgan and Julia are going to save her. When Morgan takes True, he gets to know what having a child is like. After coming back all is alright, and Morgan is forgiven by True and John. More info...
Updated: 08/01/2008
Summary: No summary available yet. More info...
Updated: 25/05/2008
Summary: No summary available yet More info...
Updated: 15/01/2008
Summary: Bess is atacked by penal-colonist Jaxom. They found out he killed 4 women after raping them and recorded it on VR. People don't know what to do. So Morgan makes VR program in which victims are replaced by Jaxom. After he gets something from it's own medicine he is changed man. More info...
Updated: 28/12/2007
Summary: Alonzo was cold, so very cold. How could he be so cold? Something to do with a bad dream? What was it? His mind tried to grasp the reason he was here, but it eluded him. More info...
Updated: 02/02/2021
Summary: Danziger is entrusted with Devon's essence while she is in the cold sleep. More info...
Andy's Earth 2 Fan-fiction Archive
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