Titles - H
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Updated: 28/12/2007
Summary: Reluctantly the group leaves a sick Devon in suspension in the old ship and continues toward New Pacifica. When others fall victim to the same disease, they are faced with a difficult choice. [Prequel to "Hejira: Walk along the Road of Creation"] More info...
Updated: 28/12/2007
Summary: Seventy years have passed when the Eden survivors return to the stations. Will they be able to pick up their previous lives? Or will things have changed beyond recognition? [Sequel to "Hejira: Flight for Life"] More info...
Updated: 28/06/2008
Summary: Uly asks Devon about his father. Devon is unprepared for this moment, and decides she needs to finally speak with Uly's father, who as it turns out is Alonzo. They had first met each other when Devon was 23 years old. She and Alonzo had fallen in love, but it had ended when Alonzo had left on a two year mission. When Alonzo had returned, he learned he had fathered Uly. He'd offered his support to Devon, but since their relationship was over, she had rejected his offer. Now, years later on G889, the time has come to deal with their secret, but they are fearful that if they tell Uly, the group will inevitably find out. Before they reveal the truth to Uly, Alonzo and Devon must first face the past and reassure themselves that their relationship and all those old feelings don't exist anymore... More info...
Updated: 08/01/2008
Summary: Julia has some thoughts about Alonzo, their relationship, and how she can't dream with him, as Devon and Mary can. More info...
Updated: 07/06/2008
Summary: Eden Advance reach New Pacifica and are relieved to also find Cargo pod #1. Devon and Danziger encounter some problems as their growing relationship alienates True. Meanwhile, the group is terrorised by a stranger lurking nearby, and Uly and Yale are endangered when the menacing stranger finally makes his move. More info...
Updated: 20/01/2008
Summary: Julia Heller answers an unusual question and encounters an unfamiliar emotion. More info...
Andy's Earth 2 Fan-fiction Archive
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