Titles - K
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Updated: 14/01/2008
Summary: Eden Advance hits on two pals of Alonzo, Tara and Valentine Donahue. They soon discover that Tara is human computer, or we should say human with some special abilities. Planet is dying, group goes back to Bennet's ship to destroy Eve. They thaw Devon, but she is still ill. Tara uses herself to break connection to Eve and replaces it to her. But Eve's sattelite is interfering. So Val must go to destroy Satelite, as soon as Tara break their bond to Eve. Everything goes right except Tara, she gained sister, Julia, but lost her husband... More info...
Updated: 25/01/2008
Summary: What do you do to pass the time on a chilly night? Alonzo and Julia find a way. So do Devon and Danziger. One-shot, complete. More info...
Updated: 23/01/2008
Summary: No summary available. More info...
Andy's Earth 2 Fan-fiction Archive
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