Redemption by SecondGuess
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Summary: "Passion gives us moments of wholeness."
Categories: None
Characters: None
Ships: None
Fanfiction type: Story
Parent Series: None
Stories: 3
Series Type: Closed

Updated: 23/06/2009
Summary: ...she knew he would answer honestly if she asked him outright. It was his way. Redemption- Vignette I

Main characters: Danziger and Julia More info...
Updated: 23/06/2009
Summary: He was the perfect patient, now that she'd wounded him. Redemption- Vignette II

Main Characters: Danziger and Julia More info...
Updated: 23/06/2009
Summary: Julia knew from months of professional intimacy that Danziger always ran hot. Like man, like machine. Redemption- Vignette III More info...
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