Before you get any further, you _should_ read the disclaimer and check out all the legal mumbo-jumbo related to the stories. Anything specific relating to actual parts in the story is at the end of the story itself - a mini-disclaimer, if you will...
Now and Forever
This is an EvilLucasStory and my first ever attempt at writing fanfic. It's slightly depressing, but it has a happy ending.
For the Love of a Friend
Tabitha's story is, as she calls it, a NiceLucasStory, rather than an EvilLucas. It's a wonderful story. She's currently working on the sequel. (which I'm dying to read, Tabitha! If you're reading this...did you forget that you promised to send it to me?! I'm getting impatient! (j/k) )
Innocence Lost and Hope Regained
These two stories pretty much go together. Hope Regained is the second part of Innocence Lost. This particular storyline takes a look at the dangers of anorexia. It's an EvilLucasStory, so all of the problems are inflicted upon Lucas...
Dirty Little Secret and Secrets Revealed
DLS is one of Kathy's best stories by far (although she's written many other good ones). The subject is basically the same as Innocence Lost and Hope Regained. Lucas is diagnosed as both anorexic and bulimic. However, Kathy dealt with the material in a much different way, yet the story is about as effective, if not more so, at getting the point across. Secrets Revealed is the sequel and picks up right where DLS left off. The poem at the end is really beautiful.
Second Chances
Although Now and Forever was my first fanfic to be published, Second Chances was really the first one I attempted writing back in November of '96. It was a tough road to get to the final publication date on May 25, 1997, but I'm very proud of the final result. Nothing in the works for 2nd season 2047, but we'll see about 3rd season...
untitled fanfic
Recently, I've found a whole new interest in my fanfic writing. After watching the first season of seaQuest DSV on the Sci-Fi Network, I was reminded of the rocky, yet wonderful relationship between Lieutenant Commander Katherine Hitchcock and Lieutenant Benjamin Krieg. Their torrid love affair resulted in only a year of marriage, but who know what could've been for Ben and Katie? This story, along with several others to come, is my attempt at answering that question. (Oh, and if you have _any_ ideas for a title, I'm completely open to suggestions...)
A Night to Remember
This is the second part in my Ben & Katie saga. Please, and I can't stress this enough, if you're under 13, don't read this story. The next part should be able to explain basically what goes on in this. I'm posting it against my better judgement, but for some reason, I trust y'all to be honest.
Part 3 of my ongoing Ben & Katie saga :) This one is, by far, my favorite of all the ones I've written. (so far) What else can I say? It's Ben & Katie, their neverending struggle to reveal their true feelings to each other... ::grin:: I love it... :P
This is a brief Darwin story. I wanted to write a story about Darwin and Lucas' friendship and this ended up being the also includes another friendship which is very important to me... :)
Premonitions and Dreamscapes
Tim story! Ted Raimi fans will certainly want to read this. Don't ask me where the idea came from. I just wrote it before work one summer morning... :)
Epilogue to "Good Soldiers"
I wrote this story shortly after watching "Good Soldiers" on SFC during the summer of '97. The story is pretty much exactly what it version of what might've happened had they continued the storyline...
Far and Away and Where am I?
These two stories are a part of "seaQuest DSV: The Internet Series". Sarah's got a whole series starting up and I believe that Where Am I? (focused primarily on Miguel Ortiz) is the first episode. (minute disclaimers at the end of each story)
Nightmares End and Dreams Begin
Some people might recognize the name of Ensign Anne Morgan if they've been reading seaQuest 2047. Otherwise, it's really not all that important to the story...she's just there for a few brief seconds. (again, minute disclaimers at the end of the story)
Got any comments about any of the stories appaering on the page? Well, you can send comments to the individual authors via e-mail, or you can post them on my guestbook :) Yup. I've decided to put one of these things on my page...
Any kind of commentary is welcome, positive or not. Please refrain from foul language, though. It's not only rude, but in poor taste and shows a lack of vocabulary. (Yes, I'm strongly discouraging it. Anyone who knows me IRL might call me a hippocrite, but I refuse to ever use such language when writing to others and hope to receive the same respect in return.)
If you prefer to send comments via e-mail, you can use the following addresses:
Michelle Tabitha Kathy Sarah
You can also make suggestions as to the type of stories you'd like to see on the site. (Must be Sci-Fi and _no_ slash stories (can't post them on here)...only restrictions, really...besides my lack of knowledge on certain subjects) If I can do it, it'll more than likely appear on the page -- and you _will_ get credit for the idea. (I wouldn't take sole credit for anything that isn't purely of my own imagination...)'s your options - you can either:
Sign my guestbook without reading anyone else's entries first
View my guestbook and see what kinds of comments other people have made :)
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