Popularity of Earth 2 was transfered from TV Screens to Books and Magazines. Here I have some info about this books and magazines. This info isn't very exact, but I try to have it as exact as possible. All comments about this should be sent to my E-mail. If you find about any other book or magazine notify me.
Book: EARTH 2 by Melissa Crandall
Published: December 1994
ISBN: 0-441-00146-7
Content: This is the novelization of the two-hour pilot, First Contact. The story gives more background prior to leaving the stations and includes more in-depth insights into our favorite characters.
Book: EARTH 2: PUZZLE by Sean Dalton
Published: February 1995
ISBN: 0-441-00148-3
Content: This is the first Earth 2 original novel. It includes a Terrian story where the colonists come upon an ancient Terrian city. Includes lots of scenes with True and Uly, so if the kids annoy you this might be one to skip.Back-cover description:
The desertlike plain stretches before Devon Adair and her companions. It is rugged, desolate, quiet. Until the thunder starts... a thunder caused by a vast, violent herd of buffalo-like beasts. The reluctant colonists must fight to keep from being trampled and losing the last of their already dwindling supplies. And when the dust finally settles, they make an amazing - and dangerous - discovery. The entrance to a massive underground city.
Book: EARTH 2: LEATHER WINGS by John Vornholt
Published: May 1995
ISBN: 0-441-00198-X
Content: This original novel includes another Terrian story where the colonists find themselves challenged by a natural gorge larger then the Grand Canyon. They meet up with a tribe of Terrians who help them in their quest to New Pacifica.Back-cover description:
Devon and the colonists may finally be thwarted in their quest for New Pacifica by the very thing that brought them to G889 - Nature. Before them lies a canyon of astounding proportions. Carved out of enless miles of rock, it stretches beyond the horizon in either direction. And thousands of feet below, a mighty river rages. Their only hope of reaching New Pacifica is to cross it. Alonzo Solace knows the dangers that face the group - he has seen them in his dreams. Dreams that carry a message from the Terrians - if they attempt to cross the canyon, they will perish.
About Ordering Books:
This books are published by Ace Books and are available on this address:The Berkley Publishing GroupEach book costs $4.99.
200 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10016
Campain to bring out more Earth 2 Books:
If you want to have mmore Earth 2 novels write on these address:Lisa Crane Vice President of Special Licensing MCA/Universal Studios 100 Universal City Plaza Building 447, 2nd Floor Universal City Plaza 91608Here are few tips for letter-writers (as quoted from Inga's E-mail to list):
Do not put your return address on the outside of the envelope. (It's too easy for them to stamp it "return to sender".)
Don't put "Earth 2" on the outside of your envelope, else it will get forwarded to a "fan mail" department (or as some fans learned, it may be marked "show cancelled-return to sender").
Put your return address on the letter inside the envelope. Anonymous letters don't count for too much. And you *might* just get a response if they have your address.
Don't identify yourself as representing an organized fan club for the same reason given above.
Don't trash the exectives (no matter what you think of them). Be polite.
Try to avoid gramatical errors.
Make the letter as unique as you can. *Don't* just copy someone else's letter. If a letter sounds too much like a form letter, it will be dismissed as such.
I'm told it helps to put your letter in a standard white business-size envelope. Your letter is more likely to be opened promptly if it looks like typical business mail.
A newsletter, The Dream Plane, is published by:Earth 2: Eden AdvanceIf you would like to receive The Dream Plane newsletter, subscrition price is $10.00 a year for US, $15 for Canadian, $20 for outside of US and Canada. For a free, first issue, please send a 6 by 9 envelope with 55 cents postage or a couple of international reply coupons to the above address.
634 1/2 Sartori Avenue
Torrance Ca 90501
If you want to write an article, subscribe or anything else just contact Inga, the Newsletter Nag and she'll help you.
Fanzine Eden Project is published by:Ann WhiteEden Project is a collection of stories and artwork by some of our most talented listmembers, including Tara O'Shea, Joan Powers, Paula Sanders, and more! Some stories have never been seen before, and others are previously-released stories that have been edited, plus some beautiful artwork by Sue Cotton, Ona Sostakis, Rae Anne Weston, and Reggie. "Eden Project" is available for $18 U.S., $19 in Canada, and $20 overseas. You can send check or (preferably) money to Ann's address.
15611 Dorset Rd. #103
Laurel, MD 20707-5341
A collection of fan-written stories and artwork featuring all your favorite Earth 2 characters. This first edition of "The Trading Post" was a big hit at the recent Earth 2 convention, New PacifiCon '96. It sells for $5 (no shipping and handling charges). Contact Mary Brick at maryb@mitretek.org. A second edition of "The Trading Post" will be available late Summer 1996.
Fanzine Tales from Grinning Grendler is published by:Illuminated Manuscripts PressThis is collection (anthology) of stories written by Tara O'Shea. It contains stories: Eye of the Beholder, Tangled Web, Darkness, Who Watches the Watcher?, The Last Wildflower, And We Took It Believing It Free, Choices (a novella) and The Letter. It has colour cover and it's rated PG-13. It will be available for sale soon.
3055 N. Racine, #2
Chicago, IL 60657
Editor is Tara O'Shea
In the heart of Eden - Danzine is published by:Gina AlkazianStories of survival, love and conflict with the most interesting group of castaways in the Galaxy, featuring the best high-tech mechanic in the quadrant, John H. Danziger. 252 pages of pure Earth 2 fun is waiting for any reader intrepid enough to take the plunge. With a full color front and back cover by award winning fan artist Beth Blighton with 12 interior black and white pieces by Beth and award winning artist Barbara Gibson.
c/o Stephara Press
17351 Mayall St.
Northridge, CA
91325 (USA)
Stories by Gina Alkazian and Beth Blighton range from mature to adult in nature. This is rated adult and will not be knowingly sold to anyone under 18 years of age. Age statement is required when ordering.
Price $24.00 (USA) $26.00 (CAN) $28.00 (EUR). Make checks payable to Gina Alkazian c/o Stephara Press * 17351 Mayall St. * Northridge, CA 91325 (USA). Please include $3.00 for shipping and handling.
Reilly's Report is published by Inga.Canadian orders:This is a 14 page newsletter about Earth2. Future issues will run approximately 12 to 14 pages each. We haven't decided if this will be monthly or bi-monthly so we are offering subscriptions on a number-of-issues basis and the charge is $1.5 per issue. In other words, if you send $9 you will be marked down as being owed 6 issues -- we just can't tell you at the moment if those 6 issues will last you a year or if (in the case of our upgrading to monthly) they'll be used up in six months.
$9 (Cdn) for 6 issues
Kath Tate
205-629 W 7th Ave
Vancouver B.C.
V5Z 1B6
US orders:
$9 (US) for 6 issues
LM Ingram
PO Box 484
Oshtemo MI 49077-0484
International orders:
$12 (US) for 6 issues
c/o above address
EAC is published by Lia.Earth 2:Eden AdvanceThe Eden Advance Chronicle is the new newsletter for Earth 2:Eden Advance. EAC subscriptions will consist of a monthly newsletter and a quarterly fan-fic supplement. (Sorry, to cut down on mailing nightmares, this is an all or nothing subscription. You cannot recieve only the newletter or only the quarter FF supplement.)
PO Box 1695
Des Plaines
IL 60017-1695
* Subscription prices are: $16 annual inside the U.S. / $18 outside U.S. (Those outside the U.S. please send only money orders payable in U.S. dollars.)
* Make checks/money orders payable to: Earth 2:Eden Advance
* Along with your check/money order, include on a separate sheet of paper your NAME, MAILING ADDRESS and EMAIL ADDRESS (optional). (Please type or print legiablly to ensure prompt delivery.)
Skippery-Boo is published by:Beth Blighton"Skippery-Boo" single-story zine with illustrations, approx. 50 pgs. $8.00, includes postage.
326 Dale
Benton Harbor
MI 49022
The "Boo" is a laugh-aloud tale of adventure and suspense, Danziger/True-focused. It starts out as a tall tale around the campfire, told by John, and ends... Here is what Kathy Carrasco said about it: "Suffice to say that I and my 12-yr-old daughter (yes, it's kid-tested) treasured every page and begged for more as it was being written (we were "pre-readers, prior to publication), and both thoroughly recommend this story. It's fun, it's funny...
...and it answers your question. Get your copy *today*!"
Do I have to say more???
Earth 2 Scripts
You can obtain copies of Earth 2 scripts on folowing adresses:
Hollywood Book and PosterScripts const $10.00 plus postage, they didn't have Redemption some time ago, but they might now. Here you can also get writers guide/Bible and few E2 pictures.
6349 Hollywood Blvd.
Hollywood Ca 90028
(213) 465-8764
Fax-- (213) 465-0413
And another address:
Star TechYou can get catalog on this address (order catalog #111), and there you'll find Earth 2 scripts. They cost $12.00 each.
P.O. Box 456
Dunlap, TN 37327
This page was created with help of information found on net. So if someone finds something from his page, don't scream (*No True, I didn't mean you.*).
Last updated on 4th November 1998.
Copyright © 1996-98 by Aleksander Rozman - Andy (Andy TECHnologies - ATECH)
This page and all other pages created by me, may be used only when I let you (ask me!).